Saturday, 13 November 2010

Oh mother, there's a skeleton in your closet

Hello, the pictures below are ones I took of Chloe during the half term, none of them have been edited or anything (apart from the bottom) because as I think I said last time I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do it.

Today I went shopping with some friends to the nearest shopping centre to get clothes for my upcoming trip to Paris (aaah!). I had a pretty awesome time, I'm sure the items will feature on here sooner or later but for now I'll just tell you ha, I got a camel jumper from zara which I love, it has leather elbow patches very cool in my opinion, I also got a surprisingly nice dress from primark with a lace peter pan collar, reduced from £15 to £5, so really I kind of had to get it. I had a close run in with some weird freak girls looking in my changing room? But what can I say I am pretty hot haaa.

3 Whispered words:

olivia grace said...

I love the pictures :) x

daniela kate morosini said...

love the pastel + white together :) x

Rebecca said...

lovely photos! and have fun in paris, i can't help but say i'm mega jealous (: and the peter pan primark dress sounds lovely, and only five pounds too!