Below is a picture of my 'mummy scissors' inspired by Roz of Clothes cameras and coffee If you haven't already go over to her blog, she's truly inspirational and you can also read more on the mummy scissors project here
These are my first attempt at mummy scissors, now when I made them I thought they looked quite good but they look really scruffy in this picture so I may do another pair of better quality ha.
Finally meet my new hat! This isn't the best picture of me or the hat but I just love it it so much I wanted to feature it on here ha. My grandma gave it to me a couple of weekends ago and I've completely fallen in love with it, expect to see a lot more of it!

3 Whispered words:
loove the hat! would like a hat myself, but really should be saving the money so trying to ignore the craving, haha!
xxx Charlie
your room looks lovely and i know i say this everytime i comment but i really do love your blog. i think you'll be big when you're older!
i've also changed my blog, the url's changed too, so i don't know if you need to refollow or you may not wish to refollow but, it's:
i'll be regularly fashion-posting again like old times! i hope you've had a lovely weekend.
lots of love,
- izzy
Thank you so much for getting involved! I really like the combination of the pink with the pearls.. I've added you to my list of 'mummy's scissors' blogs.
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