How ARE we all?! I'm going to provide you with some rare insights to actual, dire state of my room. Just look at the mess on that dressing table. Look at the dress hanging behind me from my taking pictures of it and being to lazy to put it back. My room is a safety hazard the majority of the time.
I'm really surprised, and I'm sure you are too, that To Be Worn Again Vintage haven't rung me up to be their poster girl yet? It wasn't till I started putting my outfits back up on here that I realised, HOW MUCH I buy from there. Guys, if you're reading I'm open to doing any ad campaigns or instore signings/promotions or you know, just claiming loyal customer discount? Seriously, it's no bother.
I put this outfit together and realised I felt like a diner gal, you know like Mel from that annoying fucking bank advert? You know the one. I want to go in there and just buy a sausage roll to piss them off. Sorry, rant over. Anyway, that is what I was going for in the first picture, not just demonstrating how long and flat my hand can be.
There are a lot pictures of my face in this post, I'm sorry, but my hair had reached new heights this day.
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