Coat- charity shop. Shorts-Ebay. Jumper-Topshop

It's been an age since I last posted. I'm really dying with the amounts of revision I have and this beast of an Lit essay. I went to Florence + the machine's launch show, which was INSANE. I cannot WAIT till the album is out on the 31st.
I have a complete obsession with this jacket, I've worn it way too much, here and to the theatre the other week to see Sweeney Todd. Where I live is not normal, the other week nearly my whole form went to the theatre of an evening. Where is it normal for 15/16 year olds to spend there evening in a theatre?! Sweeney Todd was amazing by the way, and it had Umbridge from Harry Potter, she was uh-mazing, really funny. Then I wore this to go see the ENB's Stricly Gershwin, as I am a perfectly normal teenager. That was also very good.
I have a complete obsession with this jacket, I've worn it way too much, here and to the theatre the other week to see Sweeney Todd. Where I live is not normal, the other week nearly my whole form went to the theatre of an evening. Where is it normal for 15/16 year olds to spend there evening in a theatre?! Sweeney Todd was amazing by the way, and it had Umbridge from Harry Potter, she was uh-mazing, really funny. Then I wore this to go see the ENB's Stricly Gershwin, as I am a perfectly normal teenager. That was also very good.
I am now going to go and prepare my Edward Cullen and Kat Von D costumes.
8 Whispered words:
you look so lovely! :) and I must say, I love your bike... soo excited for Florence and the Machine's album, jealous that you went to the launch show xo
I can sympathise hugely with the weight of work and revision - Sixth Form college has hit me like a freight train. Great jacket - I have a similar one (Charity shopped Jaeger) that gets a lot of wear.Sounds like you've been packing in the cultural outings too.
This is a gorgeous outfit, loving it muchly.
Oh, this is a lovely outfit!
so jealous you got to go to the album launch! i wanted to get tickets but they sold out so quick and i was at school when they went on sale! D: but i downloaded her album when it leaked and its amaaazing!!
i love you coat!!
Love the look, totally reminds me of my favorite fashion icon, alexa chung!!
I love these pics, so quaint and vintagey! also, you WENT TO THE LAUNCH SHOW I'M SO JEALOUS! ceremonials is absolutely amazinggg I love it :)
This. Is an awesome outfit.
'Nuff said.
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