*disclaimer* Elf is the funniest Christmas film in all of history (minus Nativity).
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Bright scarf and lipstick
Friday, 25 November 2011
Martha, she keeps her heart in a broken lock
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Lover to lover
Friday, 28 October 2011
Bike riding, like the hip kids

Coat- charity shop. Shorts-Ebay. Jumper-Topshop

It's been an age since I last posted. I'm really dying with the amounts of revision I have and this beast of an Lit essay. I went to Florence + the machine's launch show, which was INSANE. I cannot WAIT till the album is out on the 31st.
I have a complete obsession with this jacket, I've worn it way too much, here and to the theatre the other week to see Sweeney Todd. Where I live is not normal, the other week nearly my whole form went to the theatre of an evening. Where is it normal for 15/16 year olds to spend there evening in a theatre?! Sweeney Todd was amazing by the way, and it had Umbridge from Harry Potter, she was uh-mazing, really funny. Then I wore this to go see the ENB's Stricly Gershwin, as I am a perfectly normal teenager. That was also very good.
I have a complete obsession with this jacket, I've worn it way too much, here and to the theatre the other week to see Sweeney Todd. Where I live is not normal, the other week nearly my whole form went to the theatre of an evening. Where is it normal for 15/16 year olds to spend there evening in a theatre?! Sweeney Todd was amazing by the way, and it had Umbridge from Harry Potter, she was uh-mazing, really funny. Then I wore this to go see the ENB's Stricly Gershwin, as I am a perfectly normal teenager. That was also very good.
I am now going to go and prepare my Edward Cullen and Kat Von D costumes.
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Leather jacket and lace

Weird few weeks since I last posted. I've been looking round sixth forms and college open evenings, one of which may have ended in me storming out on the verge of tears due to the fact I have no idea what I want to do at a level and I got stressed haha.
On a more positive note, I went to see the Kooks play the town over from me, they were SO good, as was having a four pint of cup of beer tipped over me. Even better when it's followed up with a bottle of piss. AND, Lan and I have managed to score tickets to see Florence's album launch show in Hackney in a few weeks, which is insane because they sold out in under a minute. Huzzah for speedy typing.
I'm sure there will be a point where I write something fashion related on this blog, maybe. But for now I'm just going to crawl under the pile of media coursework and science revision that is waiting for me. Hopefully, I'll return.
If you don't hear from me it's because I have been swallowed and fallen into the abyss that is three science resits. DAMN YOU POLYMERS, DAMN YOU.
Monday, 10 October 2011
I am running low on funds, so if ya fancied checking out my
. I would be your friend forever. Thank you, and goodnight. Saturday, 1 October 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Skirt- Grandmother's. Top-Vintage
Lazy can't be bothered to take the tripod outside pictures. Happy London Fashion Week to all. I will continue to tidy my room whilst it continues, as this is the super hip life I lead.
LOVE this skirt, from the well known shop known as my grandmother's cupboard, she very kindly took it in for me as well.
Completed my first week back at school full of motivational speeches and the novelty of having free reign of the common room, which has a KETTLE and a MICROWAVE. I know, please control your excitement, I too was overcome for a short time. Not like I have both of the aforementioned appliances at home and never use them.
I will now leave you with this, if you've been following this blog awhile you will know how much of a teenager fangirl I am for Florence and I felt that this post would be incomplete without this here.
Monday, 5 September 2011
Took that too far? Yep, I thought so.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
I went to the first of my group of friends 16th birthday yesterday, which was super weird. Doesn't sound that old to many I guess, but considering I still think people falling over is absolutely THE funniest thing ever, it's odd to me. I will now go catch up on the sleep I did not have yesterday because it was miles more fun to draw eye liner moustaches on myself. I live on the edge, let me tell you.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Friday, 26 August 2011

During my day of relaxation and etsy browsing I stumbled across The Black Apple aka Emily Martin's shop. I absolutely ADORE it. Like seriously, I could spend ours scrolling through her shop. Actually, I think I did. It is now my mission to save up and get one of the lockets. Definitely worth saving for.
Monday, 22 August 2011
Top-Zara, Skirt-Carboot
Went for a bike ride today. Bit obsessed with this skirt, I have felt the need to join the midi pleated skirt bandwagon for sometime now and TA DA pleated midi skirt at the carboot sale a few weeks ago for a bargain 50p and it's St Michael as well so the quality should be pretty decent. Goodo.
Go on click on the ebay picture in the sidebar to look at my items, cos I've got some new ones up soon.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
DRESS- h&M, TOP-carboot
Outfit from the other day, this is my version of a classy black and white outfit. I love this top I picked up at the carboot a few weeks ago for a bargain two pounds, you can't really see it in these pictures but it's lace with beading, however, I did take it off momentarily to locate where a bead had fallen from and then promptly dropped the whole top in a puddle. I am a fool.

In other news, the lovely Shay featured me in her blogger project, which is absolutely awesome and I love the picture she drew me and it now has set up camp in my sidebar!
Monday, 15 August 2011
Seeing as yesterday I wasn't doing anything I thought to myself, 'Hey Ellie, why don't you actually do that idea you had sometime back.' and so I did. I'm sure you all saw the Olympia le-tan book clutches when they swept through the blogosphere a while ago. SO here is my own attempted version, if I was to do it again I would neaten it up but I'm quite pleased with the result. It's actually made from an old video box, you remember videos from those dark, dark times before DVDs.
I'm now going to eat a twix and watch all the pretty,skinny girls on top model.
P.S I now have items on Ebay. So go on, check it out, you know you want to. most of it's stuff from vintage fairs that I have sadly never worn
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Room tour, ta daa. Hit Brighton today with The Infamous Lan, alas I only purchased two albums. When filming the below I realised just how much stuff/junk I have in my room . It's not even like my room is particularly spacious ha!
Once again, thoughts go out to any of those affected to the riots. I wish I could write something slightly more eloquent to acknowledge these hideous events but I'm particularly not very good at trying to convey what I'm trying to say!
Once again, thoughts go out to any of those affected to the riots. I wish I could write something slightly more eloquent to acknowledge these hideous events but I'm particularly not very good at trying to convey what I'm trying to say!
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Went rowing yesterday, this is the kind of high adrenaline activities that us cool teens entertain ourselves with. I have returned from Spain as you probably gathered. From my packing it is really obvious that I cannot even attempt to form a capsule wardrobe, I entertained the idea but it was not meant to be.
I picked up this skirt when in Spain bit of a bargain 4 Euros down from 22. Pleased with that.
And finally, thoughts go out to all those affected by the London riots, actually cannot believe the mindless criminality that is ruining people livelihoods.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
That's my by the way and what's in it.
I'll be back soon, wishing you were there. (I think that makes sense, I'm panic packing, nothing makes sense any more)
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Sunday, 17 July 2011

It rained, hence the wellies, this upset me as I thought it washed away my face paint. I forgot how much I love face paint. Come on, you have to love painting, ON YOUR FACE. I'm too cool. I'm aware.
Apprentice final, Tom all the way.
Anything else to cover, nope. Don't think so.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Pictures from my final media film, exceedingly random post. These aren't in any particular order. Final day of work experience tomorrow, huzzah! I'm going to be honest with you, the only thing I have gained from this week is confirmation of my suspicions that I am the most socially awkward person I know.

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