It's the first official day of my summer holidays today and its been nice and sunny! I'm lucky enough to live pretty near one of the nicest beach's around and even more luckily my friend lives right in front of it so me and Megan made our way down there. We went crabbing with her brother and her step sisters cousins. Crabbing is definitely not my forte at all. When we had let our crabs back in we headed back to her house and then out to the beach.


3 Whispered words:
this looks ever so fun + i'm sorry i haven't been commenting as much, as i previously said i would ~ i do apologise, my blog is bugging me at the moment but i'll try and get it sorted this weekend ~ crabbing looks ever so wonderful.. i was meant to do it on holiday but we never got round to it.. i wish i lived near a beach! thank you for your lovely words on my blog, it does mean heck of a lot! have a nice evening, what are you going to do? i'm spending mine writing lists and reading inspiring blogs like yours.. much love,
izzzzzy xox
Just found your blog, hehe.
Lovely post, and really great blog!! Btw. lovin' the photos :-)
I was hoping if you would take a look at mine, and maybe be a follower?
I'm so glad its the summer holidays too! I have too much planned to fit into six weeks though..
It looks like you live in a lovely location, and I always like using the beach for outfit shoots!
Thanks for the sweet comment.
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