The rain has descended upon us. I was sat just enjoying a quiet muffin (has anyone tried the new costa muffins? Delicious) in front of the cathedral with my friend Molly when it hit, luckily for me I had my beautiful accesorize umbrella but my uniform was kinda soaked so I changed into my jumper from Beyond Retro when I got home so thought I'd snap you some shots!

Jumper-Beyond Retro, Shorts-H&M

This is my watch I made myself with some old velvet which was on my hand mirror, unfortunately some of it has few marks on it but I think there may be a haberdashery in a village a few minutes away that might have some more. Hopefully.

Finally, this is the birdcage my mum got me from a garden show she went to this week its pictured in the second shot above, that wasn't just me being really odd. Currently it's filled with sweet peas and fairy lights and looks lovely on my bookshelf.
Hope everyone is having a lovely week, it seems to be going particularly slowly for me but its Wednesday today which is halfway through the school week so I'm halfway there!