Here's a suitcasey thing I got today from a new shop that's opened by me, it was the only one there, I managed to pick it up in time before this other girl could, she kept staring at me, I think she thought I was going to put it down, no chance.
Underneath is one of my favourite people florence welch's dressing table, I really seem to talk about her too much and now I look slightly obsessed when I'm not but whatever ha. I just love this dressing table alot. This what I am aiming for my room to look like. To the un-trained eye it looks like junk, to me heaven.

9 Whispered words:
Your dressing table is beautiful. I'm sure every little thing on there has a reason to be there. I think that's why I love it so much!
wow I love that suitcase and your dressing table is amazing!!!
Ahh I love florence welch's style
& that suitecase is amazing! Like seriously, I would have tackled you for it ;) tehe.
Sweet blog.
I LOVE HER. When I saw her live, at least 2years ago, she was sporting the most amazing gold ans silver facepaint. Her dressing table has similar components to mine
It would be mine
I FRIKKEN LOVE FLORENCE. as u already know ells. and OMG ellie u need to tell about this shop,
i'm coming over to your house now
and taaakkinng your suitcase,
and keeping it forever.
that is beautiful! I love florence too, don't worry, im obsessed also! X
Your blog is so pretty! Thanks for your comment on mine.
I NEED this suitcase, it's gorgeous.
I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree
Pardon, what was that last comment meant to mean?
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