Hello, hope everyone's enjoying their weekend and having a lovely fathers day. I could have a rant in this post about a few things that have bugged me in my life, but I won't because you don't want to know and it's not very interesting blog reading. Rant about not ranting over. Moving on.
This week was my first back after two weeks away, school is dull isn't it? Wednesday went to help Lanta with her music video for her album she's recording. Then on Friday I went to my old school's summer fair, because I'm one of the cool kids like that. Annnnd here is my outfit I wore to a friend's play on Saturday evening, sorry for the bad lighting etc.

Top-zara Skirt-Topshop
I was off to the carboot today with
Atlanta, I swear I can walk around a carboot for hours, just going back and checking to make sure I haven't missed anything! There was one stall that was HEAVEN, the woman had old vintage leather suitcases piled up at the back and loads of old vanity cases. I was really excited until she told me that a suitcase was 15 pounds. That wasn't in my budget seeing as I only had 7ish pounds. Here are my buys...

Framed picture- £1, bag-£2, book 'the complete history of the world in pictures'- £1,Camera (working)- £2.

This is the bag I bought I think I'll probably sell it on ebay.
So that's your round up of my life, if I don't blog soon it's because I'm revising for my biology exam, which I really do need to revise for because I have miserably failed all my practice papers.