Monday, 18 February 2013


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Well as you can see, I've gone for a name change. I thought perhaps maybe it was time for a name change after nearly three years. 

I'll still post outfit posts because that's my main forte but what I want to write and post about has altered now to when  I was fourteen/fifteen. What I'm ultimately aiming for here is some outfit pictures with some posts of varying intelligence thrown in to spice things up. Kind of like a sponge cake with chocolate chips which sometimes turn out to be raisins. 

Damn you raisins.

So, here is an outfit post and I will write an articulate and eloquent soon. Yes, I shall get on that right now. I'll stop sitting on my bed looking overly cheerful and start looking pensive and being insightful.

 Dress- The Vintage Emporium 

Saturday, 16 February 2013

I'm still alive. Unlike these flowers. I'll be back soon, I promise.