Thursday, 23 July 2015
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
The last of the summer pastels

Hello all! I'm still here, you can't get rid of me. I'm like that one annoying spot that everyone has that goes away for a bit and then suddenly appears again in full force when you least expect it. It's finally coming to the end of the longest summer of my life and so much has happened since I was last here! Apart from Zante I've been lucky enough to go on amazing trips to Amsterdam and Dublin with my friends, both of which were so much fun.
I also managed to get AAB in my a levels which means I will be off to the University of Birmingham to study English Liteature, something which when I picked up my very shoddy results last year I could have never imagined happening and is totally exciting. I mean, I've spent the last couple of days doing pretendy grown up things like buying cutlery and a kettle and bleach. MENTAL! I should probably take this time to apologise to the teachers who I threw brat strops at which went along the line of 'WHY AM I EVEN DOING THIS?! I'M NOT GOING TO GET IN ANYWAY. I DON'T WANT TO WRITE THIS FREAKIN PERSONAL STATEMENT/ESSAY/COURSEWORK'.
What else have you missed out on in my super exciting life? I've made three dresses, seeing as I've had a fair amount of spare time haha. I got a tattoo (it's the bird illustration from my copy of To Kill A Mockingbird AKA MY FAVOURITE BOOK EVER). I also had my own little Rust and Stardust stall at a local vintage fair which I was totally proud of, especially seeing as I was the only clothing one there and I had sourced and put together everything. It was super great having people coming up and telling me what a lovely collection of clothes I had because those dresses were like my orphan children I had taken in, washed and cared for. Not that I would sell orphan children on at a profit, that is not the point I wanted to make with that analogy.
It's so strange that I'll be leaving the town and the people I've grown so familiar to and comfortable with over the past 18 years, for a place I hardly know and people I know though strenuous Facebook stalking. s/o to all the pretty girls I've been put in a flat with, making me work that little bit harder on my selling point as 'the funny friend'.
I don't know if I'll keep coming back to this blog or not. I may do just as a space to come and chat some shit, but I imagine it will be in a totally different way to way I envisioned using this blog when I started it when i was 13/14. I guess what I'm trying to say is wish me luck and look out for my persistent spot face popping up every now and then!
My dress is vintage and my jumper is from Zara.
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
You look a bit pale? Are you feeling okay?
I'm going to mix it up YET AGAIN, god I'm so crazy!
It kind of hit me the other day, when I was taking the photos for my 'Bardot' post, how strange it is that I'm always forcing my face on you but you never see what I actually look like. As you probably guess front the subtle header I would 100% call myself a feminist and my love of make up is one thing which my friends and people in general seem insistent on calling me out on, because you cannot be a feminist in make up apparently. The above are just a couple of the comments I get when I don't wear make up, they never cease to make me laugh. GUYS, THIS IS WHAT I ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE.
When I originally started plastering my face in natural collection foundation and concealer I was probably about the tender age of 13, a terrifying time for anyone. When I was wearing foundation then it was utterly and completely a way to hide myself, quite literally behind a wall of make up. I used it as a way to try and look like the perfect, plastic person I thought everyone expected me to be, obviously this never really worked, but I gave it a good shot.
I completely can understand the train of thought that goes, make up is to make you more physically appealing, you are pandering to the wants of men, THAT'S not very feminist of you. But can you blame people for wearing make up for that exact reason though? When we are told that is pretty much our primary purpose, it doesn't seem too radical a reaction, when our value is so attributed to our physical appearance. In fact, make up is one thing which woman can use to shape their own identity, and it can also be pretty fun. When I started sixth form two years ago I got on overriding response from boys, and girls, about my make up. It was too severe, my eyeliner was too much and my eyebrows and red lipstick were too intimidating. This was brilliant news, seeing as that was the exact look I was going for.
My make is not a mask anymore, I'm far more comfortable now in who I am, both as a person and in my bare facedness, than I was at 13. I can go out with no make up on now, I never used to be able to, but I can because I realise there is my face which is great the way it is, and then there are my make up faces. My make up is to me what my clothing is, it is a way to further express myself, it's all part of the fun I have creating a 'look'. Why not use the blank, acne-splattered canvas you were given to do just that? If I want to look 'severe' I will, because I do this to please me and no one else. I cannot speak for every MAC lover, but these are my feelings, so IRL people, stop hounding me. Jees.
I did have clothes on... it just really doesn't look like it, but you're going to have to trust me on this one
Monday, 21 July 2014
Everything's rosy
Dress- homemade
Here is the first of my sewing projects from this summer! I've had no idea what to do with all my free
time, its been a total shock to the system. I almost miss the library because of this my sewing has just gone into overdrive trying to pass the time in a semi-productive way. Usually I'm far too much of a perfectionist to ever wear out the things I make, but I'm quite happy with this cheeky little number, so wearing it out today was awesome.
I also need more blogs to read to fill my time so if you're reading this leave a your link in the comments below!
I still have items on ebay, take a look!
1950s style,
50s dress,
outfit post,
vintage style,
what I wore
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